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- the end of the climate catastrophe
A feasibility study
© Bernd Upnmoor 21. 03. 2007
(digital passing on under indication of the
source allowed.
Written publication only with written
authorization.) Version 8.0 © 9/11 2010
Ccycling - The End of the Climate Catastrophe
Materializing of the Ccycling
How long - atmosphere through TPPs?
How to store the collected CO2?
How much ppmv CO2 per year?
The result and the beginning
Some additional considerations – Soloil
Annex 2: Freshwater Production
Annex 3: The financing of the
Annex 4: The Organization of the
The long
text following can be read in three ways:
2. More interested readers read the
normal-formatted text too.
1) For descriptions
and images:
http://www.solarmillenium.de/ > Technologie > Aufwindkraftwerke; >Fakten;
& >Funktionsweise; & >Pilotprojekt;
The CO2 is reduced to carbon, to ‘C’ in a chemical process. This process needs the same
energy that becomes free, when carbon is burned. This energy is available from
the sun through the TPPs.
carbon is final-deposited in non corroding steel or concrete receptacles. In
35 to 60 years (according to urgency) from the beginning of the project for 30 trillion
Euros not only the climate catastrophe is eliminated but even the CO2-level
of the atmosphere of 1880 is restored. Thereafter the solar energy is
available to mankind as solar generated fuel oil,
as ‘soloil’, or as electric current or in any other form - including Ccycling
- with one kilowatt per human being. The maintenance costs of the TPPs
are very low, far under 1 cents per kilowatt hour, for example 0,32 c/ kWh 2).
Aufwindkraftwerke: Jörg Schlaich; FVS Themen S. 85 - 89; 2002;
The big investment
was invested already in the long time stable installations. Fuel costs do not
accrue, because the sun shines gratuitously for us all and gives its energy
free of charge to us all. This energy system belongs to mankind, because
they paid it with ‘5 percent’ themselves – without making debts.
something like a so-called ‘ice age’ or another atmospheric crisis ever should
come again, then the so generated carbon depots stand ready in order to warm up
the climate again by finely dosed combustion, if it is wished then. They are
fast accessible energy reserves likewise, if unexpectedly more energy is
required than was installed.
hereby attains control over the temperature of the climate of our spaceship,
the earth, by being able to correct the deviations from the average of that
climate in which we as humanity have been evolving.
We get
out of the atmosphere the surplus carbon share of 170 billion tons, that is 28,3
tons of carbon per human being - and that already was all! That is a cubus with
sides of 2,44 m, a small room, and that is the threat of mankind! For how long
will we want to go on suffering and dying from it?
Each of
the 6 billion people must raise 258.000 kWhs for it in order to even out the
disused atmospheric dump of mankind's last four generations (including our own).
investment costs of 2 cents per kilowatt hour, we can eliminate the climate catastrophe
(5.000.00 c/ 258.000 kWh = 1,94 c/ kWh):
€ / human being altogether for the end of the climate catastrophe and also simultaneously
for the erection of a new, additional, complete, world-wide, decentralized,
non-polluting, secure, compatible, solar, long-lasting and furthermore Ccycel-capable
energy system almost without operating costs: - A dream to be materialized!
climate catastrophe not only can be stopped completely with it in approximately
three years after completion of the project but the atmosphere even can be
restituted again, in that all of the superfluous CO2 will be removed
from it.
Incidentally: In order to become free from fossil energy with nuclear
energy, we accordingly needed 6.000 Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs)
with 1 GW or one million kilowatts each. As the nuclear power was installed on
earth, it was said conciliatorily: Statistically only each 10.000 years there
will be a ‘Greatest Reasonable Accident’ a GAU. The ‘greatest reasonable
accident’ in Tchernobyl in the year 1986 proved this statistical statement
emphatically and concretized its meaning.
Today, approximately 440 nuclear power plants work on earth.
10.000 Years/ 440 NPPs = 22,7 years: This is the average time from
‘greatest reasonable accident’ to ‘greatest reasonable accident’. 1986 + 23
years = 2009. Someday soon, a ‘greatest reasonable accident’ will take place
again statistically on earth.
With 10.000 years / 6.000 NPPs = 1,67 years/ ‘greatest reasonable
accident’ mankind's sorrow would be indescribably big. Which clear-headed human
being wishes himself and his family such a future? Just money-driven minds who
want to get their share from money already invested in nuclear technology can
respect their money more than mankind’s destiny. The investments for NPPs would
be bigger than for the equal power of TPPs - and in 70 years the Uranium
deposits of earth are exhausted anyway…
following detailed text shows that the idea of the Ccycling is practicable. It
is a ‘feasibility-study.’ It is written in a way that it is relatively easily
legible for scientifically not trained people too.
Here are the abbreviations, figures and rules that I use in this text:
This text was translated from German into English by me, so that more
people can obtain information about Ccycling. It is broken English, but
sufficient to understand the information. Whoever feels inclined to correct it
is very welcome. Please do not confuse the English style with the content!
The newly created term ‘Ccycling’ for the concept ‘Carbon Recycling’
is spoken like the English word ‘Recycling’, but with the English ‘C’ instead
of ‘Re:’ ‘Cee-cycling.’ The regular verb is called ‘to Ccycle.’
The newly created term ‘soloil’ for ‘fuel oil generated by solar energy’
is also pronounced English.
I use the abbreviations ‘TPP’ for ‘Thermic Power Plant’, ‘CO2’
for ‘carbon-dioxide’ and ’C’ for ‘carbon.’ I use numbers like in the German and
international convention: The comma ‘,’ is the decimal point, the point ‘.’
marks each three powers of ten, e.g. one million point zero = 1.000.000,0, following
the International System of Measurement Units.
I use the units ‘a’ for ‘year,’ ‘d’ for ‘day,’ ‘h’ for ‘hour’ and ‘s’
for ‘second.’ I use the units of ‘ppmv,’ ‘parts per million volume,’ measured
per one million parts after its volume and ‘ppmm,’ ‘parts per million mass,’
measured per one million parts after its mass.
1 ppmv is 0,001‰ of the volume, 1ppmm is 0,001‰ of the mass.
I mostly use the energy units ‘kW’ for ‘kilowatt’ of power
(energy/ time) and ‘kWh’ for ‘kilowatt hour’ of energy, because they are
the clearest for each human being. I use the unit ‘GW’ for ‘Gigawatt’
(109 W = 1 million kilowatts) additionally.
‘1-GW-TPP’ means: One Gigawatt Thermic Power Plant.
I use ‘x’ as multiplication symbol and ’/ ‘ as ‘division’ symbol.
The symbol ‘| x' or ’| /' means: I multiply or divide the last equation
with the hereupon following expression.
I use the round number of 6 billion as number of the now living
Since I had recognized the actuality of the climate catastrophe in the
year 1990, I frequently thought about how it is to be remedied. On a car ride
in the year 1992 the idea for this project came to me, when I had sufficient
time in order to weigh up the principles of this catastrophe thoroughly.
I publish it now in 2007 because I hope that the time for this idea
finally came.
If ten million Euros are met, then the planning of the details can
begin, if half a billion (= 500 million) Euros are met, the construction of the
first TPP can begin as a pilot project and for the energy production of the following
other TPPs of the first 1-GW-TPP. If it should be used for the energy supply, then
it admittedly does not contribute to the end of the climate catastrophe, but at
least it decreases the output of CO2 through the energy won with it
like any other non fossil power plant, just with more energy per invested
money. Each investor hereby is called upon to start with it now.
In this text I describe the future of this idea in indicative because
the most favourable idea will prevail.
The calculation to this is like follows:
The surface of the sun-shone earth corresponds to a circle-disk with the
diameter of the earth:
dErd2 x π / 4 = (12.600 km)2 x 0,785 =
= 158.760.000 x 106 m2 x 0,785 ≈ 125.000 x 109 m2
| x 1,37 kilowatts/ m2 = 171.250 x109 kilowatts/
earth incident radiation
With the absorption of the earth of 63 percent follows:
| x 0,63 = 107.888 x 109 kilowatts/ earth radiation absorbed
Divided through 6 billion people:
| / 6 x 109 people = 17.981 kilowatts/ human being ≈
18.000 kilowatts/ human being
The sun beams on the earth 24 hours per day. This therefore is the
duration performance.
The estimate calculation to the warming of the earth is:
T24 / T14 = 3014 K4 / 3004 K4 = 8,2085 x 109 / 8,1 x 109 = 1,0134 = +1,34 percent. The energy radiation increased by approximately 1,3
percent through the temperature increase of +1°C.
3) http://blog.rainbownet.ch/umwelt/klima-schwindel-die-klimaluge-bei-rtl , etc.
quite naively began a large scale experiment four generations ago with the
spaceship earth without
suspecting that we did this - and still we keep on doing it.
consisted of using the fossils, the peat, the lignite, the stone coal, and then
also the petroleum and the natural gas, in order to heat and to run machines with
the energy contained in it. The ash emerging with the combustion was disposed
of. About the waste disposal of the smoke, no one needed to concern, because
the atmosphere of the planet was ‘sufficiently’ big so that it could pick up
the exhaust fumes without side effects. In the atmosphere, through the winds they
were supplied to the plants again, so that they could recycle the smoke.
The sooty skies,
the stench of the industry exhaust fumes,
the ‘sour rain’ and the forest decay,
the fine dust and the increase of allergies,
the extinction of many animal and plant species
indications that also the entire planet is overburdened with the waste disposal
of the waste of ten billions of additional ‘horse powers, HP’ (that is 6 billion
people with 1 kW/ human and 1 HP = 735 W = 0,735 kW; 1 kW = 1,36 HP; 1,36 HP x
6 x 109 humans = 8,2 x 109 HP ≈ 1010 HP/
This large
scale experiment with the spaceship earth went wrong. It leads guaranteed into
the catastrophe. It
already now leads in supply difficulties that shock our whole social system. It
gave already two ‘oil crises’ after 1970. Euphemically so-called ‘preemptive wars’
and euphemically so-called ‘civil wars’ are led about the petroleum areas.
now are in the third oil crisis. It began 2006 with the Peak Oil 4), the maximum production
of petroleum on this planet. Since then, the output of the petroleum decreases
principally and inexorably. The market counteracts shortages with price increase.
The petroleum price increases up to the drying up the oil wells, or only as
long as we need this much petroleum - until we become independent from it.
4) A Crude Awakening - The Oil
Crash; A Film by Basil Gelpke und Ray McCormack (P,B,R); CH; 1h22’57”; © 2006
Lava Productions AG; www.oilcrashmovie.com
http://www.peakoil.net/; http://egan.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/03/05/oils-end/
This end of the petroleum age is withheld on purpose from the population
so that the price increase can continue as long as possible. Now, the time of
the really big profits of the petroleum companies begins, because it was missed
on purpose to invest big into alternative energy forms so that we get involved
into a shortage of the energy.
It must
be acted anyway, in fact in quite big scale and very fast.
concrete question is:
do we get independent from the fossil fuels, retain the advantages of the present
technology, dispose of the exhaust fumes of four generations and nevertheless enter
the solar age of the third millennium seamlessly and fast?
emphasis is on the word ‘fast’, because a retarded development like
until now costs too much: Human lives, species lives, labor and quality of life
- and also money.
propose a project here that stops the situation in a way not thought of until
now and that even can turn it back. I portray the project with elaborate calculations
so extensively that each reader himself can check exactly that this project
actually is successfully practicable. Because each reader should be
intentionally willing, having thoroughly read the text, to pay this project
voluntarily with 5 percent of his income that is over the poverty line.
I describe many details, so that they - after publication of this text -
are no more patentable, if they possibly could have been patentable previously.
I show
the feasibility at first and afterwards (in Annex 3) the financiability of the Ccycling
project. It contains the following synergically connected part projects:
1. The production of solar energy with 1 kilowatt per human being
2. The collection of CO2 from the air and its storage
3. The CO2-transmutation to C
4. The depositing of the C
5. The transmutation of the C to soloil
6. The distribution of the soloil with pipelines over the whole earth
7. The distribution of the electricity over the whole earth
8. The cultivation of food for all mankind in the TPPs
9. The transportation of the food over the
whole earth (Annex 1)
10. The desalination of sea water (Annex 2)
11. The greening of the deserts of this earth (Annex 2)
3. Some more concrete considerations to the
actualization of the Ccycling
3. the southwest of North America (Mexico);
7. In Asia, they lie in higher latitude at 40° north east of the Caspian
8. likewise in the USA in Arizona.
sin 44° = 0,7. The effectivity of the TPPs sinks to a minimum of 0,7 = 70%
at winter solstice.
Pipelines for water desalination and desert irrigation,
High voltage networks for the transportation of the electricity in the
near surroundings.
Photovoltaic with big silicon surfaces,
The effectiveness of their utilization of the solar energy is
approximately 15 percent.
http://www.solarmillenium.de/ > Technologie > Aufwindkraftwerke; >Fakten;
& >Funktionsweise; & >Pilotprojekt;
2) Aufwindkraftwerke: Jörg Schlaich; FVS Themen S. 85 -
89; 2002;
The air
is warmed up, expands and so gets thinner and therefore in the middle of the
circular surface the air rises into a very high central ‘chimney’. The air
drives several air turbines with current generators that are at the bottom of
the chimney. The pressure difference at both sides of the turbines is
transformed to energy. In the chimney there is more than a kilometre of heated
air that is thin, around the chimney there is colder and thicker air pressing
the air into the turbines. ThermicPowerPlants are a type of gigantic round greenhouse
that is open at the periphery and has a very high chimney in the middle.
power plants can generate energy 24 hours per day, in fact all the more even,
the bigger their heat buffer is. They will form the energy ground load supply
of the earth.
A form of the heat buffer could look like this:
The ground consists of heat storages in form of once filled, extensive water
reservoirs that are less than 1 m deep. They are thermally insulated below and
have covers of dull black electric oxided aluminium with big cooling ribs up to
the air and down to the water that are directional to the center of the TPP.
With these heat storages, the TPPs can work uninterruptedly without sun radiation
with full performance even several days, according to the depth of the basin. They
have a ‘sun storage ground heating’ so to speak.
With 1 m of depth there are 1.000 l H2O / m2 with
1000 cal / (l x °C) = 106 cal / (°C x m2). (1 cal = 1
calory = +1°C for 1ml water)
With 4,2 Ws / cal and 3,6 x 106 Ws / kWh follows: (1 Ws = 1
watt second and 3.600 s/h x 1.000 W/ kilowatt = 3.600.000):
[106 cal/ (°C x m2)] x 4,2 Ws/cal / (3,6 x 106 Ws/kWh) = 3,9 kWh/ °C x m2 of energy storage.
The sun radiation is approximately 1 kW or 1 kWh/ h. With 20°C
temperature reduction of the reservoir, I can drive the TPP without sun radiation approximately
80 hours or 3,3 days.
(3,9 kWh/ °C x m2 x 20°C = 78 kWh/ m2). The heat storage is thermally filled in about a week
and from then on is available for the entire term.
TPPs even work with diffuse sun radiation, because the radiation does not
become concentrated. Buffered through the heat storages the TPP works extremely
economically with almost constant energy output.
The glass roof consists of prefabricated quadratic double glass elements
in modular series production. The glass of the collector surfaces should be
double glass in order to minimize the losses through heat conductivity. The
glass should be anti-reflection coated, so that the reflection losses of
approximately 16% (4 % at each four glass surfaces) are decreased to
approximately 5%. Anti-reflection treatment for optical systems is a series process
that still nevertheless is expensive today, because it is a treatment of a few square
meters per day. If however the glassworks make an anti-reflection treatment for
over 1.000 square kilometres of glass, then, the price per square meter only
amounts to a few cents: The additional expenditure in order to achieve some 10 percent
more effectiveness with the TPPs is worthwhile.
The bearers of the roof are 2 to
10 m high steel armoured concrete pillars with streamlined cross-section
directed to the centre, so that the friction resistance to the airflow is
usable sun radiation has approximately 1 kilowatt/ m2 for daily
approximately seven hours or 0,29 days, therefore approximately 290 W/ m2 continuous input. The efficiency of big TPPs is low unfortunately,
approximately only 0,7 percent. For smaller collector surfaces, the efficiency
sinks even further.2) Only very big TPPs are therefore economic. However,
by the measures described here, the efficiency can be increased by over 50
percent of the standard value from 0,7 percent to far over 1%:
1. dull-black absorbers from
2. high heat conductivity aluminium with
3. cooling ribs and
4. constant water temperature,
5. anti-reflection
6. double glass,
7. low turbulence formation in the airflow.
A slightly
costlier investment presumably is more favorable with very long terms than a
less effective savings version.
The higher the chimney is the bigger the efficiency, with which the
incident radiation can be used. Since the high heated air column in the interior
of the chimney and also over it is much thinner than the cooler air column,
that surrounds the chimney outside, a hypotension is created in the interior of
the chimney that is all the bigger, the higher the chimney is. It drives the
air upward that streams in below, and it drives in the cooler fresh air at the
outside periphery of the TPPs.
practically realizable TPP could have a circular glass surface of 38 km2,
therefore a radius of 3,5 km. The chimney could have a height of one kilometre,
an inner diameter of 120 meters with wall strength of 99 cm below and 25 cm
above. In the interior of the chimney, streamlined pre-stressed steel spokes
are appropriate to the stiffening against torsion forces. The pre-tension
originates through montage of the spokes between an inner ring with small
diameter and the outside ring that is tense at the chimney-outside-wall.
The chimney
seems gigantic at the first moment. It is to be built relatively simply,
however, different than a skyscraper of this height: It has the form of a tube.
It has a height not even eightfold the diameter. The static is simple, the wind
strengths are low. Nevertheless, its foundation must be a big and thick
concrete plate, because the weight of the chimney amounts to approximately 400.000
This TPP
has a continuous output of approximately 77 kilowatt (without the 7
described methods to the increase of the efficiency. Possibly the continuous
output power will be two times as high.).
13 such
single power plants construct a unit, that has 1-GW = 1 million kilowatts of continuous
output, a ‘1-GW-TPP.’ The diameter of the entire unit is approximately 40
km, comparable to the surface of a city of several million inhabitants. More
than half of the surface serves to the influx of the air into the individual TPPs.
such units must be erected in order to have 6 billion kilowatts of continuous
The calculation to this:
r = 3,5 km; d = 7,0 km; F = d2 x π / 4 = 49 km2 x 0,785 = 38,5 km2 = 38,5 x 106 m2 collector surface of a TPP
│x 290 W / m2 = 11,2 x 106 kilowatts
incident performance
│x 0,7 percent of efficiency = 78 kilowatts of continuous output per
│x 13 TPPs = 1.015.000 kilowatts = 1,02 GW. 1 million kilowatts of
continuous output of the installation.
38,5 km2 x 13 = 500,5 km2 = collector surface of
the 1GW-TPP
D = 40 km; Ftotal = 402 km2 x π / 4 = 1.256 km2 total surface of the 1GW-TPP
/ 325 km2 = 2,51-times.
6.000 x 1.256 km2 = 7.536.000 km2; │ / 2,51
= 3,0 million km2 collector surface of the Ccycling Project
6.000 x 1 million kilowatts = 6 billion kilowatts / mankind
The surface of the earth is 510.000.000 km2.
3.000.000 km2 / 510.000.000 km2 = 0,00588 = 5,9‰. The
collector surface is 0,6 percent of the surface of the earth.
The used
materials are concrete, glass, steel and aluminium as immovable, once to build
structure and additionally the classic turbines with current generators as
single moving parts. Concrete and glass are products that can be produced
simply and cheaply on the whole earth. The energy required to their manufacture
can already be delivered by the first TPPs. For the realization of this mankind
project, the accordingly big production places must be erected at the borders
of the deserts of the continents.
The main
wear-parts are the turbines with current generators with very long terms until
the next maintenance like in conventional power plants. They furthermore run
day and night with constant performance; therefore they run wear-poor. And they
run very slowly. One takes several turbines for one TPP, so that each one is
small and cheap and that the others keep on working if one should fail. The
turbines are Kaplan turbines that collect energy from the pressure difference
of the moving air. They are tested in water power plants worldwide since 1913.5)
5) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaplan-Turbine
most important cost factor of a TPP is the labor that is needed mainly for the
construction and afterwards only to a very low extent for the operation and for
the maintenance.
A part of the maintenance is the cleaning of the glass roof. A roboter
for high-pressure water cleaning, that sucks up the water with the mud again,
with 10 m of width and a speed of one meter per second cleans on one day, consisting
of 24 x 60 x 60 s = 86.400 seconds: 864.000 m2 = 0,864 km2,
therefore in one month it cleans over 25 km2 glass roofs. Such a
cleaning machine, that is sufficiently light-weight, belongs to each TPP in
order to be able to drive on the glass roof. Experience has shown that the
glass is cleaned automatically by the wind. So this roboter is more than
work with conventional, long tried technology (greenhouse and turbine generator).
They are long time stable. They now are already - positioned in deserts -
more favorable than conventional fossil power plants and essentially more
favorable than nuclear power plants.
Tornado power plants are a possible advancement of the TPP. In them the
air in the chimney is caused to rotate quickly. By this means it is assured
that the whirlwind rising quickly into the atmosphere stays there over the
chimney for some hundreds of meters. So the chimney is virtually much higher
than the concrete tower. The effective height of the chimney multiplied with
the surface of the glass roof collector defines the efficiency of the TPP.
Another possibility to increase the output power with less investment
costs could be to use a plastic tube on top of the concrete chimney, its
walls consisting of two layers of plastic filled with air with excess pressure
for stiffening. Experiments in that direction are made. Its opening in the
atmosphere could be lifted up with a stationary Helium balloon fixated
with three ropes.
Another possibility to increase the efficiency of a TPP consists in the
combination with the principle of the fall wind power plant or catabatic
wind power plant, that is applied here vice versa (therefore outside): The
vaporization of freshwater generates vaporization cold. It makes the air
cooler, therefore denser; therefore it effects a higher pressure outside the
chimney. If spray nozzles for freshwater are installed at the outsides of the
chimney of the TPP and through it cool the outside air that therefore becomes
denser, then the pressure difference between the warm air that streams in the interior
of the chimney and the cooled down outside air rises. The turbines are driven
more strongly according to the greater pressure difference. The outside air
already is cooler over the glass roof than the environment air of the desert area
anyway, because the glass roof consists of double glass so that it remains cool
outside. The sun radiation is absorbed only in the ground in the interior.
Glass is impermeable for long-wave infrared radiation; the inner glass warms by
the warmth of the air and by the infrared radiation of the ground and the
outside glass remains cool (‘greenhouse effect’). The heat remains in the interior
of the glass roof.
TPPs constructed on slopes
For the northern hemisphere of the earth the
following description is correct, for the southern hemisphere ‘south’ is to be
replaced by ‘north’:
At southern slopes of valleys
or also of hills in the flat landscape TPPs are asymmetric: The glass roofs of
a TPP are parallel to the slope with the chimney at the top of the hill. The
glass roofs have an opening in the valley and they are closed at the sides and
the chimney is not in the middle of the glass roof but at the highest point of
the slope that is falling down to the south. In this way, the height of the
slope can be used in addition to the altitude of the chimney and the narrowing
of the slope in direction to the top serves for the concentration of the air
and therefore of its pressure.
In the plain this concentration
is achieved by planting the chimney in the centre of the roof in form of a
The slope in southern direction
also has a better angle to the sun so that these places are to be preferred to
flat surfaces.
There are other sun power plants that work essentially more effectively
than the TPPs, calculated in output power to input radiation of the sun.
Efficiencies of 15 percent already are exceeded. But calculated as ‘investment
in money’ to ‘continuous output’, measured in Euros / kilowatt nevertheless the
TPP possibly has the lowest number, because the investment in square meters
of double window glass probably can not be undercut. Also the maintenance costs
are extremely low because of the simple wind turbines with current generators,
exactly like with the technically ripe normal wind power plants. Likewise, the
long-time stability probably is not surpassable, because of the simplicity
of the TPPs. Practically no ‘high tech’ is used. On the other hand the big
surface used by the TPPs is especially good for the collecting of air for the recycling
of the CO2.
Nevertheless it should be considered whether the energy of other sun
power plants cannot be shared in order to use it in the conversion of C from CO2 if the CO2 was already gathered by the TPPs.
4. Collecting and
transmuting of the CO2 from the air
With 380 ppmv CO2 in air, a m3 = 106 cm3 of air contains 380 cm3 CO2.
CO2 has a density of 1,98 kg / m³ (under normal conditions),
air has1,293 kg / m3.
(1,98 kg/ m3) / (1,293 kg/ m3) = 1,53.
The mass
parts per millions ppmm of the CO2 in the atmosphere are 1,53-fold
the ppmv.
The first forest plantations are therefore positioned in the main wind direction
of the TPPs.
(Compare Annex 2: Freshwater Production)
can be necessary, to erect TPPs for the production of freshwater for the supply
of the inhabitants of arid zones independently from the Ccycling, because of
the water shortages in many areas of the world.
are more greenhouse gases than CO2, for example Methane CH4,
from the warming permafrost grounds and from other sources: The nitrogen of the
air - it is no greenhouse gas - can be processed to nitrogen-fertilizer. If
this is done, the nitrogen is secreted from the air by fractional distillation
of liquified air. In this case it is easy to sequester all the other Green House Gases too. In the process of air
liquefaction and fractional distillation for nitrogen production the other GHGs
(CH4, N2O, O3, CFCs,…) can be collected too by
fractional distillation, practically without additional costs. In the
chemical factory they are treated differently: CH4 is combusted and
the energy is used, the other GHGs are transformed to nitrogen, oxygen and to
harmless inert solid products. But they can only be collected from a part of
the air, because the cooling of the air is very energy consuming. The CO2 in contrary can be extracted from all of the used air.
From the
watery solution, the CO2 is processed further with chemicals that
reduce the carbon at 1000°C.
The reaction-equation is:
CO2 + 393 kJ/ mol <=> C + O2
(‘kJ/ mol’ is called 'kilojoule per mol.' 1 kilojoule is one
kilowatt-second; 1 mol is the atomic weight as well as the molecular weight in
grams. This conversion-equation runs in both directions (<=>): To CO2 with the combustion (<=), to C + O2 through the Ccycling (=>).
The conversion of kJ or kilowatt-seconds to the unit kilowatt-hour, that
is more current in daily life, is:
393 kJ = 393.000 Ws │ / (1000/k x 3.600 s/h) = 0,1092 kWh. The
reaction-equation therefore is rewritten:
CO2 + 0,1092 kWh/ mol => C + O2
The mol is the atomic or the molecular weight in grams:
C has 12 mol, O has 16 mol, O2 therefore has 32 mol and CO2 44 mol. The equation therefore further rewritten is:
44 g CO2 + 0,1092 kWh <=> 12 g C + 32 g O2
12 grams
carbon therefore yield approximately 0,1 kWh with their combustion.
conversion of 440 g
CO2 to 120 g C + 320 g O2 therefore costs
approximately 1 kWh.
This is
the reverse step to the combustion. Because of this relatively very large
energy quantity it is too much CO2 in the air at all. Therefore,
mankind uses this reaction since centuries. The 0,1092 kWh/ mol are won with
the combustion, that is the exothermic process that the industry uses - and
with the C-production, they must be inserted into the conservation of the high
temperature so that the endothermic reaction can run in the reverse direction.
Whichever type of chemical conversion is chosen: All processes lead to the giving/
receiving of this energy quantity.
The Bosch process produces C directly in that it burns hydrogen at an
iron catalyst between 530°C and 730°C with CO2: (The hydrogen is previously
energy-lavishly produced for example through electrolysis of water)
CO2 + 2 H2 => C + 2 H2O
+ heat
This procedure generates carbon directly. It then is pressed strongly
and is deposited as anthracite coal.
The Sabatier process transmutes CO2 to methane at a nickel or
cobalt catalyst in an inter-step between 300 and 400°C:
CO2 + 4 H2 => 2 H2O
+ CH4 + heat
Possibly this process is the suitable one in order to produce fuel
oil - soloil.
ThermicPowerPlants are ideal for Ccycling
(7.000 m)^2 x 3,14/4 – (500 m)^2 x 3,14/4 = 38,5 km^2 – 0,2 km^2 = 38,3 km2 = 99,5%. With
13-times 6.000 TPPs (= 6.000 1-GW-TPPs) we therefore have a possible greenhouse
surface of over
13 x
6.000 x 38 km2 = 2.964.000 km2 | / people =
= 0,000494
km2 / human = 494 m2 / human being.
The plant quantity is in the magnitude:
(1 kg / human x d) x 365 d/a = 365 kg / a │ / 494 m2 /
human being = 0,74 kg / (m2 x a)
Therefore the greenhouses are built only at some 25% of the TPPs.
(CompareAnnex 1: Pipes - the global transport system
for food)
6. How long does it take until the necessary energy
capacity is available?
What, if
we start this energy project with one trillion Euros per year and with a high
for the optimal locations in the eight regions of earth.
1012 € / 36.000,- € = 27,7 million jobs │ /
300 1-GW-TPPs = 92.330 workers per unit in construction.
300 x 1-GW-TPPs per year and one trillion Euros per year we have
the chemistry factory for the transmutation of the C, later also from C
to soloil,
the depot receptacles for the CO2 as well as for the C,
the two pipelines for the saltwater,
the pipeline for the soloil and the pipes,
the water desalination installation,
the high voltage managements for the current,
7. How much energy is needed in order to free the
atmosphere again from its surplus CO2?
The normal-pressure of the atmosphere at normal-zero amounts to
1.013,246 hecto-Pascal.
1 Pascal = 1 Newton / m2 = 101,9716 g weight (pond) / m2
1 hecto-Pascal = 1 hPa = 1 Newton / (1/100 m2); 1/100 m2 = 100 cm2
1.013,246 hPa = 1.013,246 x 101,9716 pond / 100 cm2 =
= 103.322,3 pond / 100 cm2 = 1.033,223 pond / cm2 = 1,033 kp / cm2
The air under normal-conditions has the density 1,2928 g / 1.000 cm3.
1.033,223 pond/cm3 / 1,2928 g/1.000 cm3 = 799,21 x
1.000 cm = 7.992,1 m
510 x 106 km2 x 8 km = 4.080 x 106 km3.
much CO2 is in the atmosphere?
1 m3 air contains 380 ppmv = 380 cm3 CO2 or 582 mg CO2 = 0,582 g. (see above)
4.080 x 106 km3 x 109 m3 /
km3 x 0,582 g CO2 / m3 = 2,37 x 1018 g CO2 / atmosphere.
2,37 x 1018 g CO2 / atmosphere x 153 ppmm / 582
ppmm = 0,623 x 1018 g CO2 =
170 x 1015 g C x 0,1092 kWh / 12 g C = 1,55 x 1015 kWh / Ccycling | / 6 x 109 people
= 258.333 kWh / (human x Ccycling).
258.000 kWh / 1.138.800 h = 227 W duration power / human being – with climbing
258.000 kWh x 0,1 € = 25.800 €.
(30 a x 1012 €/ a) /
6 x 109 men = 5.000 €/ man
| / 258.000 kWh = 0,01937 €/
man = 1,94 c/ man, therefore
For 2
cents per kilowatt hour, we can eliminate the climate catastrophe.
summarize: 30 years x 1 trillion Euros / (year x 6 billion people) =
9. How long does it take, until this energy is generated
by the 6.000 1-GW-TPPs?
6 x 109 kilowatts x 8.760 h / a = 52.560 x 109 kWh / a = 0,0525 x 1015 kWh / a.
x 1015 kWh / Ccycling) / (0,0525 x 1015 kWh / a) = 29,5 a
/ Ccycling
10. How long does
it take until the entire atmosphere was led averagely once through the TPPs?
The surface of the chimney is d2 x π/ 4 = 120 x 120 x
3,14/ 4 m2 = 11.304 m2.
= 5.500 km3/a air
volume per TPP | x 13 TPP/1-GW-TPP = 72.000 km3/a air volume | x
6.000 1-GW-TPPs =
= 430 million km3 air volume per year.
In chapter 7 we found the total volume of the atmosphere as 4.080 x 106 km3.
4.080 x 106 km3 / (430 x 106 km3 /a) = 9,5 years.
In 12
years all of the CO2 will be collected from the atmosphere.
collect the first 100 ppmv from the total of 380 ppmv CO2 one needs
less time:
12 a
x 100ppmv/ 380ppmv = 3,16 a, that is about three years:
just three years the climate catastrophe is returned to the state of 1880.
is almost incredible – But the calculation is correct.
11. How to store the faster collected CO2?
170 x 1015 g C x 44/12 = 623 x 1015 g CO2 = 623 x 109 t CO2.
form of water with a density of 1,0 kg/ l this would be 623 km3.
Methods for
the storage of CO2 are in the testing:
Storage in deep sea basins is one of the ideas that come from the
thinking of the last millennium: Throwing away, just like it also happened with
the nuclear waste. Nature shall see, how it continues. ‘I don’t care if the sea
becomes sour, if the creatures suffocate!’ ‘It doesn't matter what happens when I've gone.’
This receptacle of 50 m of diameter has the volume of
VSphere = 4 π/3 x r3 =
4,19 x 253 m3 = 65.400 m3.
d2 x π/8 = 30 m x 30 m x 0,39 = 353 m3, therefore
per kilometre V = 0,35 x 106 m3. That is the volume
of about 5 of the sphere receptacles.
Each of the 6.000 1-GW-TPPs gets out of the atmosphere during Ccycling:
623 x 109 t CO2 / 6.000 1-GW-TPP = 103,8 x 106 t CO2
With a density of 1, I needed for the storage of the entire CO2 of one 1_GW-TPP:
103,8 x 106 t CO2 x 1 t / m3 / 65.400 m3 = 1.588 sphere receptacles.
I need only 1.588/ 1,56 = 1.018 such receptacles per 1-GW-TPP =
1.018 x 65.400 m3 = 66.559.000 m3 = 66,6 x 106 m3 = 0,067 km3 / 1-GW-TPP. The TPPs
immediately after completion begin with collecting of the CO2 and
with its conversion to C.
I calculate the amount of energy that is needed
to cool the half-circle receptacles:
Per running meter they have a
surface of
d x π/2 + d = 30 m x 1,57
+ 30 m = 77,1 m2, so per running km 77.100 m2.
(0,028 W/ m x K) x (77.100 m2 surface/1 m thickness) x 100K = 216 kW energy/ km
I need 0,067 km3 = 67 x 106 m3 /
1-GW-TPP storage volume.
I have per kilometre V = 0,35 x 106 m3 , so I need
Oh-c = (77.100 m2 / km ) x 191 km = 14.700.000
m2 (h-c = half-circle)
Eh-c = 14.700.000 m2 x (0,028 W/ m x K) x 100 K =
41.233 kW = 41,2 MW | / 1.000 MW = 4,1%
1.018 spherical receptacles of 50 m diameter have a surface of and a
cooling need of
OS1 = 4πrS2 = dS2 x π = (50 m)2 x 3,14 = 2.500 x 3,14 m2 = 7.850 m2 | x 1.018 receptacles
OS1018 = 8.000.000 m2 | x (0,028 W/ m x K)
x 100K =
ES1018 = 22,4 MW
| / 1.000 MW = 2,24% = 55% x Eh-c
spheres are about half as expensive energetically.
VS = 67 x 106 m3 = 4π/3 x rS3 ;
rS = (67 x 106 m3 x 3/4π)1/3 = (16,00)1/3 x 102 m = 2,52 x 100 m = 252 m radius;
6) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_National_Expansion_Memorial ; Ch. 11
The difference of the surface of this hyperboloid from a sphere can
roughly be neglected. With this receptacle I get the cooling losses of
OS = dS2 x π = 797.000 m2 | x (0,028 W/ m x K) x 100K = 2,23 MW | / 1.000 MW = 0,223%.
2,23 MW is
one tenth of the 50 m diameter receptacles and about one twentieth of the
half-spherical torus.
Since the
cooling is needed for roughly 30 years, till all of the CO2 is
reduced to C, possibly the one spherical container of about 500 meters diameter
is the most effective.
construction is comparable to the radiotelescope in Arecibo, built in a
valley with a diameter of 306 meters from 1960 to 1963 – but here in
concrete. It is a challenge like the whole project. Much can be learned by its
realization and it can be earned – by not spending - the amount of energy
worth over 6 trillion Euros in all 6.000 1-GW-TPPs:
Per 1-GW-TPP in 30 years it is not spent (at least)
(22,4 MW - 2,23 MW) x 30 a x 8.760 h/a = 20 x 30 x 8.760 h = 5.256.000
MWh ≈ 53 x 109 kWh | x 6.000 1-GW-TPP
= 315.000 x 109 kWh | x 2 c/kWh = 6.300,00 billion Euros =
6,3 trillion Euros = 6,3 x 1012 Euros.
So even if
this one sphere is expensive (and even if 2 c/ kWh is calculated
inexpensively), it still is a possible economic solution, especially when built
6.000 times. Moreover the cost of the insulation itself is cheaper. I hope that
all of these mentioned possibilities are tried to know better afterwards.
Possibly the handling and the security of the storage is best with the
half-circles. In the following I will be calculating with the 1.018 spheres for
ease of visualization. The conversion into the other types of storage is easily
calculated. The task of storage hopefully is not as gigantic as described here
(compare Ch. 13).
It might be possible to alternatively use another method of insulation
that I will just mention here: With a vacuumized distance between the outside
and the inside of the receptacle the insulation can be almost ten times as
efficient as with foam of Polyurethane that has tiny bubbles of air inside: The
Vacuum Isolation Plate VIP has a heat conductivity of just
λ = 0,003…0,006 W/ m x K ≈ 10 …20% of PU-foam. 7)
But possibly the costs are too high and the stability of the vacuum is not
sufficiently good.
7) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vakuumd%C3%A4mmplatte
for example 600 1-GW-TPPs, therefore with just 10 percent of the total project,
in approximately 32 years it is possible to collect from the atmosphere all the
superfluous CO2 and store it as dry-ice. With the generated energy of the 6.000 1-GW-TPPs
in approximately one generation it can be Ccycled to C.
the beginning of the realization of the project is the year 2010. From the year
2020, 300 1-GW-TPPs per year are built. In approximately 2025, the climate catastrophe
is eliminated already, turned back to 1880. Until approximately 2060, the CO2 will be Ccycled completely to C.
The CO2-technology will spread enormously, because the CO2 is so cheap. For example it will substitute poisonous substances as solvent
completely, that are used until now.
Overcritical carbon-dioxide possesses a high solubility for non-polar
materials and can replace poisonous organic solvents. It is used as
extraction-means, for example for the extraction of natural materials like
caffeine (manufacture of decaffeinated coffee) and as solvent for cleaning and
degreasing of wafers in the semiconductor industry for example, and recently
also for textiles (dry-cleaning). Currently it is also researched intensively, to
use hypercritical carbon-dioxide as reaction medium in the
fine-chemical-manufacture (for example) for the manufacture of aroma materials,
since isolated enzymes often remain active here and no solvent residues (in
contrast to organic solvents) remain in the products.
To increasing extents, carbon-dioxide is put into action as natural
refrigerant in air-conditionings.5)
8) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kohlendioxid
12. How much ppmv
CO2 per year can be Ccyceled to C?
It is
100 ppmv CO2 / 29,5 a = 3,39 ppmv / a.
13. Which deposit size do the carbon depots have after
the end of the Ccycling?
has a density of 1,95 g / cm3.
170 x 1015 g C are Ccycled (chapter 7).
170 x 1015 g C /
(1,95 g / cm3) = 87,18 x 1015 cm3 / (1015 cm3 / km3) = 87 km3.
6.000 1-GW-TPPs we have for a single 1-GW-TPP
222 spheres
of 50 m of diameter per 1-GW-TPP.
are the carbon depots of mankind, that are very well protected against
They are spread world-wide, therefore secured very well against local
They are extremely well equipped against earthquakes by their thermal
insulation of 1 m thickness.
14. The result and the beginning
The climate becomes colder again,
big volcano outbreaks occur that filter away the sunlight in the dusted
the so-called ‘nearing of a new ice age’ for whatsoever reasons.
combustion of this type of coal takes place residue-free to just CO2 and nothing else.
time is called (in beautiful German): ‘Jede-Tat-Zeit’,
(any deed time) short: “Jetzt!” -
15. Some additional considerations – Soloil
3. At a wind speed of 4 Beaufort the
wind travels with 25 km/ h, that is with
4. The CO2-catastrophe is not limited to the part of the
earth, where the CO2 is produced.
energy of the sun cares that air currents originate that distribute the CO2 evenly everywhere on earth. Therefore, naively the CO2 can be
gathered in stationary Ccyclers at arbitrary points of the earth. But the
situation is even better: Especially in the desert zones, where there are few
plants which consume the CO2, the concentration of CO2 is
the biggest. Compare the picture in 9) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/CO2 -
So to collect the CO2 there is the easiest and most favourable
9) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/CO2 ; Ch. 15
‘just’ is important,
1. To
have solar energy in enough quantity to the use,
2. To
have installations, that let through sufficiently much air,
3. To
get the CO2 out of the air in these installations,
4. To transmute
the collected CO2 chemically to C + O2,
5. To
release the O2 into the air again,
6. To
bring the C into the form of anthracite and to deposit it safely.
idea is very simple. Simultaneously with this idea the gate is opened fully into
the age of the solar energy for electric current, for heating, for chemistry
and for traffic.
If carbon
is stored sufficiently once and if more of it could be stored anytime,
according to demand and then ruling better insight, then, the additional carbon
can thereafter be further recycled to liquefied soloil with the solar energy.
This could happen to all of these installations after approximately thirty
years of work, therefore from approximately 2060.
procedures stand at the disposal for the manufacture of the soloil that are large-scale
technically tried, for example the Fischer-Tropsch process and the Bergius
With the Fischer-Tropsch process, carbonic-monoxide is formed of carbon
and is changed with hydrogen at iron or cobalt catalysts to paraffins. The
reaction runs under high pressure and with a temperature of 200 - 350°C after
the chemical formula: n CO + (2n+1) H2 => CnH2n+2 + n H2O; n = 1, 2, 3,…
So, CnH2n+2, that is fuel gas and diesel fuel (and
water as ‘waste’-product), are created with differently long chained paraffins
according to the reaction conditions. This procedure is large-scale technically
tried since 1934 and is improved further since then. Today one single targeted hydrocarbon
can be produced with this reaction, for example with n = 8 Octane C8H18,
with the ‘octane’-number ‘100 octane,’ (highly antiknock). Normal Diesel-fuel
has n = 10 to 22.
In the 1970s after the first oil crisis (1973) the German state started a
large-scale technological project in the Ruhr area with billions of ‘Deutsche
Mark’ expenditure in order to become independent from the petroleum with the
stone coal by optimizing all conditions for the coal liquefaction. It was said
at that time that the petroleum production from stone coal would be competitive
from a price of 2 DM / litre = 1 Euro per litre of fuel. Today, the coal liquefaction
of ‘CtL’ (Coal to Liquid) is competitive from a price of 60 U.S.$ / Barrel
petroleum = 0,38 U.S. dollars / litre petroleum. It is therefore competitive
since 2006, since the Peak Oil. 10)
10) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kohleverfl%C3%BCssigung ; Ch. 15
The pure
hydrocarbons created from the carbon can stand to the disposal with fewer
than 80 pipelines world-wide. The pipelines have a length on average of
approximately 2.500 km, to supply with the entire earth as far as to the polar
The distance of 23° north and south, the tropics, to the equator is 23 x
111 km = 2.553 km. The distance of 23° north to 67° north, the polar circle is
(67° - 23°) x 111 km = 44 x 111 km = 4.884 km.
South America is at
end at approximately 50° south, Africa at approximately 35° south. Australia
lies around 23° south. The big islands of the Pacific and Indian ocean will have
their own Ccyclers. The deserts in USA in Arizona and in China, Asia too lie more
northern than 23° north. The settling at the polar circle is so low that just
one to two small pipelines per continent suffice for the supply high up north
in America, Europe and Asia. The main settling of the continents is less than
2.500 km away from the tropics (Japan, China, Northern France). The pipelines
proceed directly in North-South direction in the ideal case. Their distance from
each other can be for example 2.000 km. The equator-perimeter amounts to 40.000
km. So, less than 20 x 4 = 80 such pipelines are necessary for the
supply of the earth. The total length of this only energy distribution system
for long range use in the distant future has a total length of about
80 x 2.500 km =
200.000 km. Today there exist about 3.000.000 km of pipeline length on earth.
Each year about 25.000 km of new pipelines are built.
Many of
the pipelines today already exist for natural gas and petroleum. The soloil can
be converted into any other energy form with the present technology of the
petroleum use. Each continent should have so many Ccyclers that it is
energetically self-sufficient with the exception of Europe and its Ccyclers in
transportation of petroleum over the oceans with trouble-susceptible and energy-costly
oil freighters stops. And too the extremely dangerous and expensive
exploitation of fossil oil from deep sea grounds stops.
pure sun fuel of ‘soloil’ exactly like petroleum consists of hydrocarbons (CnH2n+2)
and is exactly used like it. The soloil is burned like the oil until now and it
transmutes into pure CO2 + H2O (and nothing else) and it
is released into the atmosphere, and the CO2 then is Ccycled in the
deserts of the earth. Fossil petroleum, natural gas, coal, etc. still can be used,
like until now. They are replaced by the soloil when it (seen economically) is
cheaper than the fossil fuels that are coming to an end. Already because of
these final days of the fossil fuels, it immediately is necessary to transfer
into the new technology. This transfer however must take place as fast as
strongly risen oil prices compared to the 20th century average also
make it economically meaningful to immediately invest big capital amounts into
the solar energy production instead of giving it to the fossil energy concerns over
the petroleum prices like until now.
relinquish on the energy industry with the transfer to the solar energy
utilization means to leave mankind to ruin.’ (From:
11) Hermann Scheer: Sonnenenergie - Politik ohne Alternative [Solar energy
- politics without alternative]; ISBN 3-492-12135-7; Piper-Verlag 1995; page
182 [written in German; Hermann Scheer is member of the German federal
legislative assembly ‘Bundestag’ since 1980 for 7 election periods])
motor vehicles still can go with the previous motors with the previous
The ‘Hydrogen’-fuel-variant
is interesting only for cars with electric motors, in fact only then, if the conversion of hydrogen from electricity and back to it should have
been solved satisfactorily and also the storage of hydrogen easy, space-, and
mass-saving and accident-safe (Think of the challenging ‘Challenger’
catastrophe). That does not seem possible at our state of technology now.
electric car alternative with Li-Ion-battery is far more expensive, the tank up lasts
extremely much longer, the energy density is less than 0,2 kWh/ kg (instead of
10 kWh/ kg for Soloil), the battery just lasts several hundred cycles and is
the most expensive part for just some years of usage, the distance between two
tank ups is really small, the resources of Lithium are very limited – the next
change of technology has to come soon with new investments, the energy
consumption for traffic in Germany 2005 was 1,43 kW/ person, but the total current
energy production is just 0,91 kW/ person 12). This technology is a
dead end street.
12) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elektroauto#Elektromobilit.C3.A4t states ; Ch. 15:
1.000 Terawatthours /a are
consumed in Germany for traffic:
1.000 TWh/ a = 1012 kWh/ a = 1012 kWh/ 8.760 h = 1,14 x 108 kW | / (80
million persons = 0,8 x 108 persons)
= 1,43 kW/ person.
> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stromerzeugung states:
In 2005 the current generation
in Germany was 639,1 TWh/a = 0,91 kW/ person
A soloil
tank lasts indefinitely, when made of non corroding material, and it costs
about 1% of a battery and it has an energy density of 10 kWh/ kg. The safety, efficiency,
price, and all of the other parameters are optimized through more than 100
years of evolution, and soloil is the pure form of fuel - yet to be developed.
The only thing left to develop is: Cars today consume about two- to three-times
the necessary energy-amount, a leftover of the ‘Energy wasting age’ that we are
going to leave. Electricity may be used for short-time storage of braking and
downhill energy in the amount of less than 5 kWh per car, all other solutions
are futile.
I am
calculating here with ‘1 kW/ human’. That is a sufficient amount for traffic,
current, food, water, etc., when the efficiency is corrected, which will happen
in the near future. Heating of houses with sufficient insulation is a
by-product of the waste-heat of the current production in soloil electric power
plants with heat coupling and of additional solar water heaters on the roofs
with sufficiently big reservoirs.
Incidentally: Other projects,
that are seemingly cheaper, to generate fuel or coal with plants ‘unfortunately’
are completely uneconomic: The efficiency, with which plants produce combustible
substances from solar energy, theoretically lies under 0,25 percent. (The
‘Biomass to Liquid’ process, ‘BtL’, the most successful until now, in that it
processes the entire plant body to fuel, just renders 0,23 percent of the
incoming solar energy.)
Do I really want to fire green,
fertile nature surface around me as a petroleum substitute?
How much surface is needed for
humanity? - The calculation is:
1 kilowatt / human being x 6 x 109 people = 6 x 109 kilowatts = 6 x 1012 W
│ / (333 W / m2) x 0,23 percent = 0,8 W / m2 ;
= 7,5 x 1012 m2 = 7,5 million km2 = 750 million hectares.
This corresponds to 1.250 m2 / human being.
Europe's entire country surface (together with the sterile areas and the
inhabited areas) amounts to 10,5 million km2.
Do I really want to fire wheat or corn, in order to use it as electric
light in this form, or does my conscience oppose it? Do I really want
mono-cultures of ‘energy plants’ around about myself worldwide so that I can go
on living further as I want to, as I however can do it no more, exactly because
of it?
It occurs that this form of the solar energy conversion is very
labor-intensive, it is plowed with tractors, it is fertilized with fertilizer, it
must be sprayed with insecticides and pesticides, it must be harvested with
tractors, it must be converted to fuel chemically. Earth still is further exploited
by it. The total-efficiency of this method sinks to far under 0,2 percent,
possibly to less than 1‰ if optimized and moreover the price is much higher,
because of the labor invested in the production each year and the food for the
The social subsidy of farmers should not be connected to uneconomic and
unethic projects!
Who wants to risk the starving of millions of people voluntarily for
being able to drive a car?
the transportation of energy over big distances, the pipeline is the most
economic way. It
costs only the energy for the pumping of the soloil and doesn't have any
further losses. The energy can be stored like now easily and cheaply in large
quantities in the regionally existing security reserve receptacles (reserves for
several months energy consumption already exist everywhere). So, mankind's
energy supply is secured. The conversion into other energy forms like
electricity, that practically can not be stored because it is a ‘current’,
can take place in the respective states in power plants with heat coupling that will be inside the cities and release pure CO2 into the
atmosphere, without expensive filtration. The current then is distributed
favorably in distances of far under 200 km with the existing high tension mains.
The electricity power plants for the combustion of soloil in the cities are
connected to the big pipelines with small side-branches. A diameter of 10 cm
can transport 1 GW = 1 million kW.
soloil pipeline with one meter of diameter and a flow speed of for example 5 m/ s can
transport an energy quantity of 138 GW. One therefore needs only one
1-m-pipeline for more than 100 times 1-GW-TPPs, or one minimally needs
approximately 45 such pipelines for the 6.000 1-GW-TPPs for the whole earth. High voltage managements cannot compete with it, not from the investment and
not from the loss performance. It is just the energy of the pumps with the
pipelines. The loss performance gains something with higher current speed of
the soloil through turbulence losses, a current speed of ≤ 5 m/ s is
approximately the economic optimum. (In the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline,
starting in 2005 with 1.768 km length and about 1 m diameter the flow speed of
crude oil, which is thicker than soloil, is just over 2 m/ s with 8 pumping
stations, transporting 160.000 m3/d or transporting 67 x 106 kW, calculated with 1 l = 10 kWh.) However, in crisis times, the flow speed
could be more than doubled. This also is one point that would not be possible with
high voltage managements without further investments, blocking the lines for
The calculation to this: A
tube of d = 1 m of diameter has a cross-section of d2 x π/ 4 = 3,14/ 4 = 0,785 m2. With 5 m/ s of
oil speed, 3,925 m3 / s = 3.925 l/ s of soloil flow through. Diesel fuel
has an energy density of 9,8 kWh/ l (> Wikipedia > Diesel fuel). 1 kWh =
1.000 W x 3.600 s = 3,6 x 106 Ws. Therefore per second flows
(3.925 l x 9,8 kWh/l x 3,6 x 106 Ws/kWh) / s = 138.474 x 106 Ws / s = 138 GWs / s = 138 GW = 138
million kilowatts. That is an energy quantity that is sufficient for 138
million people.
other forms of the utilization of solar energy should be developed further
independently from the Ccycling: The wind energy utilization, the
hydraulic power plants, the tides power plants, the ocean-wave power plants,
and too the utilization of the earth warmth. They are used for the autarchy of
the energy supply in the future in their nearer surroundings (< 500 km).
the private autarchy of the individual people and families should further been
promoted with private sun collectors for heating water and its storage in
insulated water basins for the winter. Likewise, the photovoltaic with
concentrated solar energy can be an interesting source of energy for the
autarchy of private houses. (Compare: PS – Personal
Sun: Bernd Upnmoor 2005)
The Ccycling
assures mankind's ground supply with energy and the stability of the climate and it makes unnecessary the CO2-collection
near the soloil users (Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage, CCS).
"We must not be afraid of dreaming the
seemingly impossible
if we want the seemingly impossible to become a
- Vaclav
“Our Cathedral can only be built
Through Faith and Charity.
Sagrada Familia is being created
Solely through People’s gifts.
Not by any specific church group.
Not with the help of the government.
But by the People.
By individuals who are committed to
A beautiful structure to the Glory
of God.”
- Sign at the church Sagrada Familia [1883 – 20..]
in Barcelona by Antoni Gaudi
found at:
13) http://www.sacredmirrors.org/flash/sm_full.html ; Ch. 15
“For island states, time is not
running out. It has run out. And our path may very well be the window to your
own future and the future of our planet.”
- Avaaz.org message of 9/3 2008
A more economic solution with less investment and more usable energy at
once is:
1) For
descriptions and images:
http://www.solarmillenium.de/ > Technologie > Aufwindkraftwerke; >Fakten;
& >Funktionsweise; & >Pilotprojekt;
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermikkraftwerk ; Ch.
1; 3
2) Aufwindkraftwerke: Jörg Schlaich; FVS Themen S. 85 -
89; 2002; Ch. 1; 3; 8
3) http://blog.rainbownet.ch/umwelt/klima-schwindel-die-klimaluge-bei-rtl ; Ch. 2
4) A Crude Awakening - The Oil
Crash; A film by Basil Gelpke and Ray McCormack (P, B, R); CH; 1h22'57"; ©
2006 Lava Productions AG; www.oilcrashmovie.com ; Ch. 2 +
5) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaplan-Turbine ; Ch. 3
6) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_National_Expansion_Memorial ; Ch. 11
7) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vakuumd%C3%A4mmplatte ; Ch. 11
8) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kohlendioxid ; Ch. 11
9) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/CO2 ; Ch. 15 10) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kohleverfl%C3%BCssigung ; Ch. 15
11) Hermann Scheer: Sonnenenergie - Politik ohne
Alternative [Solar energy - politics without alternative]; ISBN 3-492-12135-7;
Piper-Verlag 1995; page 182 [written in German]; Ch. 15
12) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elektroauto#Elektromobilit.C3.A4t states ; Ch. 15
> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stromerzeugung states
13) http://www.sacredmirrors.org/flash/sm_full.html ; Ch 15
14) http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,530501-2,00.html ; Annex 4
15) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bestechung ; Annex 5
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/ is the normal reference, if nothing else
is stated.
In the Ccyclers greenhouses are built for mankind's ground supply of
Pipes - the global transportation system
In the Ccyclers food is generated in
the magnitude of 2 km3 / a = 2 x 1012 liters/ a.
Food has
approximately the same density as water that is 1 kg/ l.
2 x 1012 kg/ (6.000 x 1-GW-TPP) = 0,3 x 109 kg/ 1-GW-TPP.
quantity is to be transported to the people of the earth in one year.
How is this
done optimized, therefore economical, energy-saving, fast and global?
One year
has 365 d x 24 h/d x 60 min/h x 60 s/min = 31.536.000 s ≈ 3 x 107 s.
Each 1-GW-TPP
produces 10 kg per second:
0,3 x 109 kg/ (3 x 107) s = 10 kg/ s.
I will describe a transportation system,
the ‘pipes’ that has the following qualities:
So, the temperature in the interior can
be held sufficiently cool.
5 m height/
100 m of length with 5 m/ s that is 5 m height / 20 s.
10.000 kp x
5 m/ 20 s = 2.500 kp x m/ s | / (75 kp x m/ s = 1 bhp)
= 33,3 bhp (brake
horsepowers) | x 0,735 kilowatts/ bhp
Therefore, each wheel needs
an electric motor of 24,5 kW/ 6 ≈ 4 kW.
V = l x d2 x π/ 4 = 10 m x 0,852 m2 x
0,785 = 5,67 m3 = 5.670 l
| / 10 l/ s = 567 s ≈ 9
5.670 l/ 0,515 s = 11.000 l/ s = 11
t/ s | x 31,5 x 106 s/ a = 346,5 x 106 t/ a = 0,35 km3 / a.
So about 6 pipes are capable of
the transportation of the food for all humanity of 2 km3 / a.
system is
essentially more effective than the previous truck system.
It almost
does not need any personnel - no waste of human labor.
drivers are free for activities that are more interesting.
It needs
much less space (according to one highway-lane per pipes).
also cheaply
underwater between neighboring continents.
Annex 2: The greening of the deserts (compare Chapter 4) The freshwater-production with TPPs
82,5 MW x 24h x 365
d = 722.700.000 kWh/ a ≈ 720 million kWh/ a.
With 82,5 MW x 24h x
365 d/ (a x 3 kWh/ m3) = 240 million m3 drinking water/
year ≈
240 million m3 / [0,1 m3 / (human being x d) x 365 d] = 6,57 million people.
| x 31,5 million s/
a = 742 million m3 / a ≈ 0,7 km3 / a.
0,0785 m2 = dreturn2 x 0,785; dreturn = 0,32 m
240 x 106 m3 H2O x 0,035 NaCl/ H2O = 8,4 x 109 kg NaCl = 8,4 billion
kg sea salt ≈ 1 kg salt/ (person x a).
(3,25 km3 / a) / (0,7 km3 / a) = 4,64 ≈ 5
4,64 x 0,785 m cross
section = 3,64 m2 = d2 x π/4; d = 2,15 m
dreturn2 x π/4 = 3,64 m2 / 10 =
0,364 m2; dreturn = 0,68 m
3,25 x 109 m3 / 2 m = 1,625 109 m2 = 1.625 km2 = d2 x π/4 with d = 46 km.
125 x 1012 m3 / (3,25 x 109 m3 x 6 x 103 1-GW-TPP) = 125 / 19,5 = 6,4 years, to fill such a reservoir. Maybe 1.000 1-GW-TPPs suffice thereafter,
to keep it filled with the consumption of a forest from this reservoir.
Annex 3: The financing of the
built a new energy system with it:
6. It grants all energy wishes of mankind until
into the most distant future.
7. It is built to very long term stability.
8. It is variable almost at will.
11. The nitrogen of the air is processed to
12. The other climate gases like methane become
recycled too.
15. It brings together mankind in cooperation
to common welfare.
16. It regenerates the deserts to again greening
nature paradises.
17. They turn into settlement areas for new
forms of human living together.
18. It gets rid of mankind's freshwater problems.
20. It enables to uphold the present individual
traffic on oil basis.
21. It connects seamlessly to this running out
technology model.
this project is not unrealistically big: In the one year 2005 over 10 trillion
Euros were raised as foreign-investments by capitalism alone. This is 10-fold
the here required means and this just through the rich people, the investors
alone. (Foreign
investments are all investments outside the own country of the investor.)
actually hinders the successful transaction of the project, since
The information of this text will become known fast enough.
2. Its
representation convinces sufficiently many people.
1 km3 / a = 1012 liters/ a
| x 10 kWh/ l = 10 x 1012 kWh/ 8.760 h = 1,14 x 109 kW =
0,19 kW/ human
7) http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/0,1518,530501-2,00.html of 23rd January 2008 in German: ‚Von der jetzt geplanten Versteigerung der Verschmutzungsrechte
erwartet die EU-Kommission jährlich 50 Milliarden Euro Einnahmen. Das Geld soll
vor allem für Klima-Innovationen eingesetzt werden.’
With 300 million Europeans, this auction gains per European: 50 x 109 €/ 300 x 106 Europeans = 166,67 €/ European. If the emission
certificates are auctioned world-wide like in Europe, then, this is per 6
billion people:
6 x 109 people x 166,67 € / human being = 1 trillion Euros
per year.
Annex 4: The Organization of the
This is
a mankind project. It has the characteristics:
1. It
serves the entire mankind.
2. It is too big to be executed by one of the
existing organizations.
9. Each member has exactly one voice,
independent from the membership rates (of 5%) or from the donation height.
10. The communication with its members,
therefore with mankind, takes place over the internet; likewise the
planning of the project, the public opinion formations, decisions, elections,
improvement suggestions and stimulations.
11. Ccycling.org must not pick up credits. It must not get into any debts. It can
only invest the money quantity that it gets as membership rates, donations,
taxes, contamination rights, etc. It must by no means repeat the mistake that (almost)
all states of this earth are to blame for and that restricts their freedom of
action narrowly. The states must do what their money lenders want. Ccycling.org
must remain capable of acting in the sense of their members.
12. Very big value is put on ‘Glasnost’,
on glassy openness of all processes to the prevention of corruption, felt and
nepotism, because very big sums of money are at stake that belong to us all,
and also an utmost high quality is at stake that should serve us all.
That is possible through complete enlightenment of all suspicions
and public protocol in the internet, because each living human being is
involved in the organization ideally and in fact as owner and therefore
information-justifiable. A censorship of its web site does not take place in
any country of the earth. Only long-time proven, ethically perfect managers
may practice leading functions. Own ‘Glasnost departments’ are directly
responsible for the enlightenment of every single irregularity. Each reported
suspicion - also anonymously - is cleared up completely.
Passive bribery of the Ccycling.org co-workers is punishable by disproportionately
high contract penalties. Therefore only these men will become co-workers that
detest and fight any bribery. Each active bribery leads to public proscription
and to the call to long-term boycott of the products of the organization
responsible by all Ccycling.org-members - additionally to the legal penalty.
13. The structure of Ccycling.org principally
is decentralized and synergic: Self-sufficient part-organs build and
administer the individual factories and TPPs. Additionally, there are a
steering central administration and a system-planning.
14. Leading co-workers get salaries that must not
be over comparable salaries in the region or in the remaining market economy. Their
total profit must not exceed certain upper limits. It is an honor to
actively and meaningfully be able to collaborate with this essential mankind
15. Through these and many further measures and
through the constructive and communicative business climate the very severe
corruption danger is minimized. Here too, the politics of all countries
deliver sufficient illustrative-material. (‘field-clearing’; ‘landscape-cultivation’;
‘loopholes’; ‘Amigo-Affair’; ...) 8)
15) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bestechung ; Annex 5
15. As a first step in the formation of
Ccycling.org the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) and the leading managers are
elected in the inaugural meeting of Ccycling.org. These managers build the
organization structure of Ccycling.org that can begin to work.
16. Each member gets his percentage share of
the generated energy as return for the membership rates completely
gratuitously, that is nominally a duration performance of 1 kilowatt/
person from 40 years after beginning of the project (compare chapter 9). It
is inherited tax-free. (With 365 days at 24 hours that is 8.760 kWh/ a. The
membership rates will decrease by under 1 percent of the income after
completion of the CCyclers and their infrastructure, therefore to approximately
30 €/a or approximately 3 c/ kWh.)
National borders play a subordinate role with mankind projects. The best
suitable places of the earth are chosen as locations for the Ccyclers. If some
governments should decide, not to support this project, then their territories
are not used. At the selected locations, test-installations are built in
rationally big standard already at the beginning that are enlargeable, because
the time is scarce. Every year counts. With the experiences in the operation of
the first installations, the following ones are further optimized continuously. All installations are constructed flexible and modular so that all
possibilities of improvement remain realizable in the future.
Every detail of construction and all experiences with this project are
published without exception in the internet so that the new technology upswing immediately
is available to the entire mankind without patent dues. All members are asked
for constructive cooperation as for example with the Open Source Culture (Linux,
A learning process of mankind begins, against which the moon-landing of
the Americans in the 1960s was ‘one small step for mankind.’
Neil Armstrong at the moon-landing: "One small
step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
This is a gigantic jump for the whole mankind. All experiences benefit
each human being directly and indirectly (Anti-mirror-coating, thermic
insulation, food production, transportation,…). Because almost all people are
the entrepreneurs, some of them are also the workers, that are paid for it by
the others and they again themselves are their own entrepreneurs with 5 percent
of their salary.
The affluence in the surrounding regions rises. Through mankind projects
mankind grows together like with the internet.
Mankind projects promote peace among the people. The ‘defence’
budgets of the states can be put in for these projects, if the majority of the
citizens of the democracies wish it. For which better and surer arms are
developed until now than
peace-making measures and
full employment in meaningful labor and
supranational cooperation and
general, democratically assigned justice and
personal and stately energy and food and water autarchy and
work to the common survival in the affluence on our spaceship.